Date | Form | Description | XBRL | Pages | |
05/09/19 | Current report filing | 155 | |||
05/09/19 | Applications under the Investment Company Act other than those reviewed by Office of Insurance Products | 33 | |||
05/06/19 | Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) | 114 | |||
05/06/19 | Current report filing | 9 | |||
05/03/19 | Current report filing | 14 | |||
04/29/19 | Notice of Effectiveness | 1 | |||
04/26/19 | A correspondence can be sent as a document with another submission type or can be sent as a separate submission. | 1 | |||
04/26/19 | A correspondence can be sent as a document with another submission type or can be sent as a separate submission. | 4 | |||
04/26/19 | Initial filing of a registration statement on Form N-2 for closed-end investment companies | 507 | |||
04/03/19 | Current report filing | 5 |